About Blog Posts

May 3, 2017 · 3 min read
I just recently spent a couple days overhauling my personal site - or as I used to call it, my blog. That term blog... I've been blogging for about ten years, and I made several observations about

Exploring C# 7.0: Out Variables

November 8, 2016 · 1 min read
Using the out keyword within C# is nothing new. If you declare a variable within a method called with out, you are instructing the compile that you are expecting the method to set the values of those

Powershell: How to recursively delete files based of file extension?

July 15, 2016 · 1 min read
File this under "took me WAY too long to figure out how to do". I just finished doing a Git merge, and ran into an issue where my working folder was polluted with .orig files. I wanted to recursively

Open Source Mentality of Choosing Your Tech Stack

July 4, 2016 · 2 min read
When I initially wrote Non-Tech Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Tech Stack, I left out one important conversation point: Open Source. Steve and Carol got me in the comments. How should Open

Non-Tech Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Tech Stack

May 10, 2016 · 7 min read
Greenfield projects are typically a great deal of fun. It is something new and exciting! No legacy code that will bog down or needlessly frustrate the team. We will finally get to do things the RIGHT

The 10% Rule to Presentations

March 24, 2016 · 1 min read
When mentoring new technical speakers, I like to cite what I call "the 10% rule". Think about it like this: If you are presenting on a 100-level topics (for example, "Intro to Angular" or "Building

Managing Your User Group: Food

October 13, 2015 · 1 min read
Edit: Based off some comments, I've included options for non-lovers of meat. Also added other comments. For a lot of user groups, food depends highly on the sponsor for the month. Let's keep this

Enable SignalR Logging with One Simple Line

August 28, 2015 · 1 min read
It is easy to think that SignalR works within a black box, but if you are deploying JavaScript clients, here is an EASY trick to learning what is happening underneath the scenes. Before you start

SignalR Transports Explained

August 17, 2015 · 3 min read
When I sit down to talk to people about SignalR, a common discussion we have is around transports and what the difference between them are. While SignalR gives you the flexibility to choose your own

Banks, ATMS, and Horrible User Experiences

August 3, 2015 · 2 min read
Note: I'm pretty much going to rant about a bank experience I had. Lessons aren't obvious, but if you're designing something that's pretty dang important... make sure you have failsafes built-in.
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